Обяви за междусекторни решения за климатичния преход16.01.2023 г.време за четене: 1 мин.Battery management system (BMS) and battery system design for stationary energy storage systems (ESS) to improve interoperability and facilitate the integration of second life batteries (Batt4EU Partnership)Advanced digital twins for battery cell production lines (Batt4EU Partnership)Open Pilot Line/Test Bed for hydrogenDriving Urban Transition Co-funded PartnershipSupport for the deployment of R&I results for climate mitigation. Synergies with the ETS Innovation FundNew processes for upcoming recycling feeds (Batt4EU Partnership)Technologies for sustainable, cost-efficient and low carbon footprint downstream processing & production of battery-grade materials (Batt4EU Partnership)Hybrid electric energy storage solutions for grid support and charging infrastructure (Batt4EU Partnership)
Battery management system (BMS) and battery system design for stationary energy storage systems (ESS) to improve interoperability and facilitate the integration of second life batteries (Batt4EU Partnership)Advanced digital twins for battery cell production lines (Batt4EU Partnership)Open Pilot Line/Test Bed for hydrogenDriving Urban Transition Co-funded PartnershipSupport for the deployment of R&I results for climate mitigation. Synergies with the ETS Innovation FundNew processes for upcoming recycling feeds (Batt4EU Partnership)Technologies for sustainable, cost-efficient and low carbon footprint downstream processing & production of battery-grade materials (Batt4EU Partnership)Hybrid electric energy storage solutions for grid support and charging infrastructure (Batt4EU Partnership)