Сесии за представяне на иновативни дигитални технологии за индустриална оптимизация
Център за външноикономическо сътрудничество към Българска стопанска камара, Enterprise Europe Network в сътрудничество с Джориан Бос, специалист от EIT Digital, организира сесии за представяне на иновативни дигитални технологии за индустриална оптимизация.

Час и място
28.10.2021 г., 11:00 ч. – 13:00
Online Pitch
За събитието
По време на сесиите ще Ви представим микс от български и валидирани от EIT Digital водещи европейски бързоразвиващи се фирми.
Бихме се радвали да се присъедините и да помислите върху представяните технологии. Целта ни е да направим събитието възможно най-интересно за Вас.
В този online и PDF преглед, ще намерите ясно описание на около 300 най-добре представящи се европейски иновации, но сме избрали предварително за Вас някои от най-добрите. Представянето ще протече под формата на онлайн 10-минутни сесии с възможност да задавате конкретни въпроси в чата на събитието. Точната програма ще бъде финализирана допълнително, но ето ориентировъчен вид на планирания ред на презентиране на технологиите:
11:00 - 11:10
Intro EIT Digital - EU-funded Scale-up Scouting for enterprises
11:10 - 11:20
INFINITE FOUNDRY - Production Efficiency Digital-Twin Solutions for Industry
A 3D digital plant platform for improved production efficiency of any industrial sector. Produce precise 3D Digital-Twin Solution-models of the plant obtained from a laser-scan, called plant digital twin, to provide an easy 3D gamification experience that drives industrial operational efficiency.
11:20 - 11:30
VERSABOX - Smart Intra-Logistics
Internal logistics (intralogistics) has become an important area of transformation due to increasing pressure on fast and flexible production cycles and growing deficits of the human workforce. To address the challenges of modern intralogistics VersaBox introduces a solution enabling Smart Intralogistic based on Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs).
11:30 - 11:40
MiPU - Predictive Analytics Hub
Optimizing Factories with A.I. and Predictive Analytics. A comprehensive portfolio of services, technologies, and training based on our competencies related to Energy Efficiency, Predictive Maintenance and Reliability and on our know-how in Predictive Modelling.
11:50 - 12:00
SWIPEGUIDE - Effortless instructions. Work smarter.
Empower fast and easy on-the-job training with effortless improvements for your desk-less teams. Create, share, and track digital work instructions that reduce errors and downtime.
12:00 - 12:10
BREAK - 10 min
12:10 - 12:20
SENSFIX - Makes Devices Speak Directly to Service
Devices still depend on operation managers to plan their maintenance. Sensfix enables predictive analysis to help devices to self-schedule and activate tickets towards anybody in the maintenance network. A fully automated suite to activate any team-member, mechanic/technician to prevent million dollar damages because of preventing production failures.
12:20 - 12:30
Predistic - Edge&Core IoT application enablement platform (AEP)
Predistic helps companies build complete IoT systems, ensuring business and digital transformation. The platform (AIME) offers a high-level uniform language for data collection, data flow, Edge connectivity, administration and configuration of IoT devices. We address issues such as energy efficiency, sustainability, resiliency and data security by making smart IoT devices even smarter, keeping operations close to the endpoint as much as possible and significantly reducing data traffic between IoT devices and system Core. AIME supports system scalability and continuous development of processes, allowing changes on-the-fly with little to no downtime when making reconfigurations.
12:30 - 12:40
ZenArt VR – Unlike many of the other VR studios (who usually use computer generated imagery), we employ a technology called photogrammetry.
Photogrammetry turns large collections of 2D images (thousands of photos of physical objects) into 3D assets. We have vastly improved this process by developing our own algorithm through a unique combination of specialized software. This enables us to use photogrammetry on a grand scale, which makes us the only company that does this with a real-life level of visual fidelity worldwide. This is a major advantage when it comes to recreating an actual environment or a landmark. First we scan the objects that we want to turn into 3D objects. Then we turn the 3D objects into VR. Once we have the 3D objects ready, we arrange them into an interactive virtual environment, by integrating them with the Unreal Engine. Started as a VR producing for the tourism/experiences sector, the company now takes over its highly immersive realistic VR environments to various other industries and use cases.
Относно EIT Digital: video-intro.
Заявяването на участие не Ви обвързва със задължение за сключване на договор. Целта на събитието е да Ви ориентира какви нови технологии се предлагат на европейския пазар и как те могат да Ви бъдат полезни за решаването на бизнес проблеми. Ако проявите интерес за сътрудничество с някоя от представящите се фирми, ще Ви съдействаме за контакт с тях.
Събитието е без такса за участие, но ще бъдете потърсени за обратна връзка за ползите от него за Вас.
За контакти:
Христина Каспарян, ierc2@bia-bg.com,
Теодора Данаилова, t.danailova@bia-bg.com.