A new era is starting for Safe, Secure and Resilient Smart Cities and Territories.
And there it comes SecurIT:
New industrial value chain for Safe, Secure and Resilient Cities and Territories is an EU-funded project aiming to create a new global competitive security industry (product & service) by supporting a better integration of innovative security systems.
SecurIT's ambitious goal is to address multiple key gaps by supporting the development and the integration of innovative security solutions.
In a new global competitive industrial & service value chain SecurIT shall identify future civil security solutions needs and use cases related to specific test beds by selecting and supporting up to 21 new project solutions that will develop new and innovative prototypes and demonstrators. We are looking for consortia composed of at least 2 SMEs, Member State of the European Union, Associated countries of H2020 or UK, where at least one of the SME should be a technology/IT solution provider.
SecurIT aims to focus on increasing the security of current applications, services and infrastructures by integrating state-of-the-art security solutions or processes, supporting the creation of lead markets & market incentives in Europe.
Following an end-user driven approach, SecuriT will be facing three different challenges:
Domain 1: Sensitive infrastructure protection,The security of sensitive sites is a major concern, confirmed by recent events, in a context of social unrest, terrorist threats and even a pandemic.
Domain 2: Disaster Resilience,Need of instruments for better prevention and preparedness, technologies for first and second responders and where relevant for citizens, and overall societal resilience.
Domain 3: Public spaces protection,A more connected city, integrating Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Computing and Big Data, where the population takes on a more active role in serving the community.
From the 10th of January 2023 at 13:00 CET (Brussels Time) and until the 14th of March 2023 at 17:00 CET (Brussels Time) SecurIT will run 2nd Open Call to select and support up to 21 projects aiming to develop new prototypes or demonstrators in the security and cybersecurity domain.
To find out more about the application process, the requirements and the benefits you will get, visit the official 2nd Open Call page: https://bit.ly/3WY6zUZ and the SecurIT website https://securit-project.eu/.