The International Economic Relations Center (IERC) to Bulgarian Industrial Association (BIA is a partner organization in the ECoVEM project. The project is funded by the Erasmus + programme . It is developed in cooperation with 21 partner’s organisations from 7 countries. The partners represent active organisations in the project’s sphere at national and European level.
ECoVEM project brings together VET centres, polytechnics, industrial associations, social partners to establish European Cooperation platform of Vocational Excellence in Microelectronics to tackle the challenges of: digitalisation, artificial intelligence, green technologies, gender equality and technology, integration of migrants.
Microelectronics is the most rapidly developing science representing the ground of the e-economy and e-society and the continuous training is crucial. In nano-era an integrated approach is needed - new partnership between education and work to address the need of synergy between the education and industry, to foster the development of competencies, technological and soft skills for the new jobs in microelectronics.
ECoVEM builds on and complements the strengths of national VET systems in countries with more advanced VET and supports the not so advanced regions to achieve VET excellence.
ECoVEM implements innovative instructional approaches towards life-long capacity to self-regulate learning, hard skills and soft skills using the ecosystems-based theoretical models and performance support systems.
ECoVEM contributes to the sustainable VET governance at national and EU levels through involvement of policy makers in VET and employment, social partners, industrial associations and companies for:
lifelong teacher training and stimuling for raised teacher’s qualification
implementing the advanced countries’ best practices and approaches to excellence in VET into less advanced regions
efficient financial models for VET including work-based and apprenticeship and for investment in VET and applied research
raising the role of VET in Smart Specialisation Strategies.
Link to the official ECoVEM page: